import endpoints from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from yaspin import yaspin import itertools import requests import json FIRSTNAME = "Иванов" LASTNAME = "Василий" CLASSTXT = "9А" TEST_ID = input("Enter test ID: ") file = open(f"{TEST_ID}.txt", "w") buffer = [] def begin_test(id: int, fisrstname: str, lastname: str, classtxt: str) -> dict: data = { "member": { "id": False, "lastname": lastname, "firstname": fisrstname, "classTxt": classtxt }, "related": 0 } return json.loads(, json=data).content) def get_test(uuid: str) -> dict: content = requests.get(endpoints.DO_TEST(uuid)).content soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") return json.loads("body > script")[2].text.replace("window.backend = ", "").strip()) def complete_test(uuid: str) -> int: content = requests.get(endpoints.COMPLETE_TEST(uuid)).content soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") return int("div.test_main__results_statitem")[2].text.strip().replace("Выполнено верно\n","")) def answer_question(question_id, variants, uuid, testTitle, fakeid): data = { "answer": { "id": question_id, "variants": variants }, "member": { "testTitle": testTitle, "user": " ".join([FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME]), "class": CLASSTXT, "fakeId": fakeid, "uuid": uuid } }, json=data) def toThread(vars, names): test_person = begin_test( TEST_ID, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, CLASSTXT) test = get_test(test_person["uuid"]) answer_question(question["id"], vars, test_person["uuid"], test["member"]["testTitle"], test["member"]["fakeId"]) return [complete_test(test_person['uuid']), names] test_person = begin_test(TEST_ID, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, CLASSTXT) print("Test processing started.") test = get_test(test_person["uuid"]) questions = json.loads(test["questions"]) complete_test(test_person['uuid']) for question in questions: print("Q:", BeautifulSoup( question["description"], "html.parser").text.replace("\n", ""), f"Type: {question['type']}") buffer += [BeautifulSoup(question["description"], "html.parser").text.replace("\n", " ") + "\n"] if question['type'] == 1: with yaspin(text="Initializing", color="cyan") as sp: for i in range(len(question["answers"])): test_person = begin_test( TEST_ID, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, CLASSTXT) test = get_test(test_person["uuid"]) answer_question(question["id"], question["answers"][i]["id"], test_person["uuid"], test["member"]["testTitle"], test["member"]["fakeId"]) sp.text = f"Tried {i} of {len(question['answers'])}" if complete_test(test_person['uuid']) == 1: sp.text = f"Answer: ✅ {question['answers'][i]['text']}" buffer += [f"Answer: ✅ {question['answers'][i]['text']}\n"] sp.ok("Found!") break elif question["type"] == 2: with yaspin(text="Initializing", color="cyan") as sp: combs = list(itertools.product( (True, False), repeat=len(question["answers"]))) for i in range(len(combs)): test_person = begin_test( TEST_ID, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, CLASSTXT) test = get_test(test_person["uuid"]) vars = [] names = [] for j in range(len(combs[i])): if combs[i][j]: vars.append(question["answers"][j]["id"]) names.append(question["answers"][j]["text"]) answer_question(question["id"], vars, test_person["uuid"], test["member"]["testTitle"], test["member"]["fakeId"]) sp.text = f"Tried {i} of {len(combs)} {int((i/len(combs))*100)}%" if complete_test(test_person['uuid']) == 1: msg = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: ' ✅ '+x, names)) sp.text = f"Answers: \n{msg}" buffer += [f"Answers: \n{msg}\n"] sp.ok("Found!") break elif (question["type"] == 4 or question["type"] == 5): with yaspin(text="Initializing", color="cyan") as sp: try: combs = list(itertools.product(range(1, len(json.loads(question["annotation"]))+1), repeat=len(question["answers"]))) except TypeError: combs = list(itertools.product(range(1, len(question["answers"])+1), repeat=len(question["answers"]))) pool = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: for i in range(len(combs)): vars = [] names = [] for j in range(len(combs[i])): vars.append({ "answer_id": question["answers"][j]["id"], "answer": combs[i][j] }) names.append({ "name": question["answers"][j]["text"], "answer": combs[i][j] }) pool.append(executor.submit(toThread, vars, names)) sp.text = f"Completed 0 of {len(combs)} 0%" for i in range(len(pool)): result, names = pool[i].result() sp.text = f"Completed {i+1} of {len(combs)} {int(((i+1)/len(combs))*100)}%" if result == 1: msg = '\n'.join([f" {answer['answer']}) {answer['name']}" for answer in names]) sp.text = f"Answer: \n{msg}" buffer += [f"Answers: \n{msg}\n"] sp.ok("Found!") executor.shutdown(wait=False, cancel_futures=True) break elif question["type"] == 6: with yaspin(text="Initializing", color="cyan") as sp: combs = list(itertools.product( (0, 1), repeat=len(question["answers"]))) for i in range(len(combs)): test_person = begin_test( TEST_ID, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, CLASSTXT) test = get_test(test_person["uuid"]) vars = [] names = [] for j in range(len(combs[i])): vars.append({ "answer_id": question["answers"][j]["id"], "answer": combs[i][j] }) names.append({ "name": question["answers"][j]["text"], "answer": combs[i][j] }) answer_question(question["id"], vars, test_person["uuid"], test["member"]["testTitle"], test["member"]["fakeId"]) sp.text = f"Tried {i} of {len(combs)} {int((i/len(combs))*100)}%" if complete_test(test_person['uuid']) == 1: msg = '\n'.join([f" {'✅ ' if answer['answer'] == 1 else '❌'} {answer['name']}" for answer in names]) sp.text = f"Answer: \n{msg}" buffer += [f"Answers: \n{msg}\n"] sp.ok("Found!") break elif question["type"] in [3] : print("A: MANUAL") buffer += [f"Answer: MANUAL\n"] print() file.writelines(buffer) file.close() print("Test processing finished.")