
49 lines
1.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-10-25 11:48:49 +00:00
-- This file needs to have same structure as nvconfig.lua
---@type ChadrcConfig
local M = {}
2025-01-11 09:55:22 +00:00
2024-10-25 11:48:49 +00:00
M = {
base46 = {
theme = "catppuccin",
transparency = true
2025-01-11 09:55:22 +00:00
ui = {
statusline = {
theme = "minimal",
separator_style = "round",
order = { "mode", "file", "git", "%=", "cwd"},
nvdash = {
load_on_startup = true,
header = {
" ",
" ▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ",
" ▄▀███▄ ▄██ █████▀ ",
" ██▄▀███▄ ███ ",
" ███ ▀███▄ ███ ",
" ███ ▀██ ███ ",
" ███ ▀ ███ ",
" ▀██ █████▄▀█▀▄██████▄ ",
" ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ",
" ",
" ",
buttons = {
{ txt = " Find File", keys = "ff", cmd = "Telescope find_files" },
{ txt = " Recent Files", keys = "fo", cmd = "Telescope oldfiles" },
{ txt = "󰈭 Find Word", keys = "fw", cmd = "Telescope live_grep" },
{ txt = "󰈆 Exit", keys = ":q!", cmd = "q!" },
2024-10-25 11:48:49 +00:00
-- hl_override = {
-- Comment = { italic = true },
-- ["@comment"] = { italic = true },
-- },
return M