import argparse import atexit import logging import re import signal import subprocess import threading import magic from os import getcwd as pwd, remove from os import path as op from sys import exit from time import sleep import adbutils import from rich.prompt import Prompt from rich_argparse import RichHelpFormatter from . import exceptions from . import fastboot from . import files from ._version import VERSION from .utils import get_port, repartition, get_progress, logger, console exit_counter = 0 adb: adbutils.AdbClient | None = None def handle_sigint(*_) -> None: global exit_counter if exit_counter == 2: console.log("CTRL+C pressed 3 times. Exiting") exit(1) else: console.log(f"Press CTRL+C {2 - exit_counter} more {'time' if exit_counter == 1 else 'times'} to exit") exit_counter += 1 def exit_handler(*_) -> None: global adb if adb is not None: with console.status("[cyan]Stopping adb server", spinner="line", spinner_style="white"): adb.server_kill() def main() -> int: global adb signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_sigint) atexit.register(exit_handler) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Linux on Nabu deployer", formatter_class=lambda prog: RichHelpFormatter( prog, max_help_position=37 ) ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", help="show version and exit", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--device-serial", help="device serial" ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--username", help="linux user name" ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--password", help="linux user password" ) parser.add_argument( "RootFS", help="root fs image", default=None, nargs="?" ) parser.add_argument( "-S", "--part-size", help="linux partition size in percents" ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", help="enable debug output", action="store_true" ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: console.log(f"Version: {VERSION}") return 0 if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if args.RootFS: rootfs = op.abspath(args.RootFS) try: rootfs_magic = magic.Magic(mime=True).from_file(rootfs) logger.debug(f"RootFS magic: {rootfs_magic}") if rootfs_magic not in ["application/octet-stream", "inode/blockdevice"]: console.log("Invalid RootFS image") return 166 except FileNotFoundError: console.log("RootFS image not found!") return 167 else: console.log(parser.parse_args("-h".split())) return 168 while True: try: adb = adbutils.AdbClient(host="", port=5037) adb.make_connection() except adbutils.errors.AdbTimeout: with console.status("[cyan]Starting adb server", spinner="line", spinner_style="white"): try: proc = subprocess.Popen("adb start-server", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True ) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() except FileNotFoundError: console.log("Failed to start adb server") console.log("Adb binary not found in path") adb = None return 169 else: if proc.wait() != 0: console.log("Failed to start adb server") console.log(stdout) adb = None return 169 else: break fb_list = fastboot.list_devices() adb_list = list(map(lambda x: x.serial, adb.list())) if args.device_serial: if args.device_serial in fb_list or args.device_serial in adb_list: serial = args.device_serial else: console.log(f"Device with serial {args.device_serial} not found") return 170 elif len(fb_list) == 1 and len(adb_list) == 0: serial = fb_list[0] elif len(adb_list) == 1 and len(fb_list) == 0: serial = adb_list[0] elif len(adb_list + fb_list) == 0: console.log("No devices available. Please check your device connection") return 170 else: console.log("More then one device detected. Use -d flag to set device") return 171 if serial not in fb_list: console.log("ADB Device detected. Rebooting it to bootloader") adb.device(serial).shell("reboot bootloader") with console.status("[cyan]Waiting for fastboot device", spinner="line", spinner_style="white"): try: fastboot.wait_for_bootloader(serial) except exceptions.DeviceNotFound: console.log("Device timed out! Exiting") return 172 console.log("Device connected") else: console.log("Device connected") with console.status("[cyan]Getting info from device", spinner="line", spinner_style="white"): if not fastboot.check_device(serial): console.log("Is it nabu?") fastboot.reboot(serial) return 254 parts_status = fastboot.check_parts(serial) console.log("Device verified") username = args.username while username is None: username_pattern = r"^[a-z0-9](?!.*[-._?])[a-z0-9]{1,18}[a-z0-9]$" username = Prompt.ask("Username for linux") if not re.match(username_pattern, username): console.log("Incorrect username specified. Please set correct one") username = None password = args.password while password is None: password_pattern = r"^[a-z0-9?._-]{1,20}$" password = Prompt.ask(f"Password for {username}", password=True) if not re.match(password_pattern, password): console.log("Incorrect password specified. Please set correct one") password = None linux_part_size = args.part_size while linux_part_size is not None or not parts_status: if (linux_part_size is not None and re.match(r"^\d+%$", linux_part_size) and 20 <= int(linux_part_size[:-1]) <= 90): break else: console.log("Incorrect linux partition size. It can be [20; 90]%") linux_part_size = Prompt.ask( "Size of linux partition (leave empty to skip if possible)", default="", show_default=False ) for msg in [ f"Username: {username}", f"Password: {password}", f"Partition size: {linux_part_size if linux_part_size else 'Not changed'}", f"Device: {serial}" ]: console.log(msg) if Prompt.ask("Is it ok?", default="n", choices=["y", "n"]) == "n": return 253 if linux_part_size: if Prompt.ask( f"Repartition {'requested' if parts_status else 'needed'}. All data will be ERASED", default="n", choices=["y", "n"]) == "y": console.log("Restoring stock partition table") fastboot.restore_parts(serial) console.log("Booting OrangeFox recovery") fastboot.boot_ofox(serial) with console.status("[cyan]Waiting for device", spinner="line", spinner_style="white"): try: adb.wait_for(serial, state="recovery") except adbutils.errors.AdbTimeout(): console.log("Device timed out! Exiting") return 173 repartition(serial, int(linux_part_size.replace("%", "")), percents=True) console.log("Repartition complete") console.log("To boot android you need to manually format data in your ROM recovery") adbutils.device(serial).shell("reboot bootloader") console.log("Rebooting into bootloader") with console.status("[cyan]Waiting for device", spinner="line", spinner_style="white"): try: fastboot.wait_for_bootloader(serial) except exceptions.DeviceNotFound: console.log("Device timed out! Exiting") return 172 else: console.log("Repartition canceled. Exiting") return 253 if not parts_status and not linux_part_size: console.log("Incompatible partition table detected. Repartition needed. Exiting") return 174 console.log("Cleaning linux and esp") fastboot.clean_device(serial) console.log("Booting OrangeFox recovery") fastboot.boot_ofox(serial) with console.status("[cyan]Waiting for device", spinner="line", spinner_style="white"): try: adb.wait_for(serial, state="recovery") except adbutils.errors.AdbTimeout(): console.log("Device timed out! Exiting") return 173 adbd = adb.device(serial) with console.status("[cyan]Formating EFI partition", spinner="line", spinner_style="white"):"mkfs.fat -F32 -s1 /dev/block/platform/soc/1d84000.ufshc/by-name/esp -n ESPNABU") console.log("EFI partition formated") server_port = get_port() nc_thread = threading.Thread(, args=(f"busybox nc -l{server_port} > /dev/block/platform/soc/1d84000.ufshc/by-name/linux",), daemon=True ) nc_thread.start() sleep(3) console.log("Flashing RootFS") with adbd.create_connection(adbutils.Network.TCP, server_port) as conn: with get_progress() as pbar: task = pbar.add_task("[cyan]Uploading RootFS", total=op.getsize(rootfs)) with open(rootfs, "rb") as rootfs: while True: data = conn.send(data) pbar.update(task, advance=len(data)) if len(data) < 10240: break conn.close() nc_thread.join() with console.status("[cyan]Setting up user and creating boot files", spinner="line", spinner_style="white"): if adbd.shell2(f"postinstall {username} {password}").returncode == 0: console.log("User created") console.log("Boot files created") else: console.log("Postinstall failed. Rebooting to system") adbd.reboot() return 174 console.log("Installing UEFI") bootshim = files.BootShim.get() payload = files.UEFI_Payload.get()"mkdir /tmp/uefi-install") with get_progress() as pbar: task = pbar.add_task("[cyan]Pushing uefi files", total=2) adbd.sync.push(bootshim, f"/tmp/uefi-install/{}") pbar.update(task, advance=1) adbd.sync.push(payload, f"/tmp/uefi-install/{}") pbar.update(task, advance=1) console.log("Patching boot image") match adbd.shell2("uefi-patch").returncode: case 1: console.log("Failed to patch boot. Rebooting") adbd.reboot() return 176 case 2: console.log("Boot image already patched. Skipping") adbd.reboot() case 0: patched_size = int("stat -c%s /tmp/uefi-install/new-boot.img")) with get_progress() as pbar: task = pbar.add_task("[cyan]Saving patched boot to disk", total=patched_size) boot_uefi_path = op.join(pwd(), "new_boot.img") if op.exists(boot_uefi_path): remove(boot_uefi_path) with open(boot_uefi_path, "ab") as file: for chunk in adbd.sync.iter_content("/tmp/uefi-install/new-boot.img"): file.write(chunk) pbar.update(task, advance=len(chunk)) console.log(f"Pathed boot loaded to {boot_uefi_path}") backup_size = int("stat -c%s /tmp/uefi-install/boot.img")) with get_progress() as pbar: task = pbar.add_task("[cyan]Saving boot backup to disk", total=backup_size) boot_backup_path = op.join(pwd(), "boot_backup.img") if op.exists(boot_backup_path): remove(boot_backup_path) with open(boot_backup_path, "ab") as file: for chunk in adbd.sync.iter_content("/tmp/uefi-install/new-boot.img"): file.write(chunk) pbar.update(task, advance=len(chunk)) console.log(f"Boot backup saved to {boot_backup_path}") console.log("Rebooting to bootloader")"reboot bootloader") fastboot.wait_for_bootloader(serial) console.log("Flashing patched boot") with open(boot_uefi_path, "rb") as file: fastboot.flash(serial, "boot", fastboot.reboot(serial) console.log("Done!") return 0 if "__main__" == __name__: exit(main())